Category: Lifestyle
Rolls-Royce ’s Phantom VIII Offers a Magic Carpet Ride That Aladdin Would Love
[dropcap]A[/dropcap]midst an ephemeral world of fleeting fashion, fast food, and fake news, the latest Rolls-Royce Phantom is a stalwart exemplar of tradition, quality, and authenticity. The name, suggesting a ghost or spirit creature, is hardly new. In fact, Phantom is the oldest model name in automotive history. The first one was made in 1925, and…
Disaster program to open Saturday for Orange, Seminole
[dropcap]F[/dropcap]ood for Florida, the state’s disaster program following Hurricane Irma, opens Saturday in Orange and Seminole counties. But if crowds are anything like those in other counties, expect long lines. By the end of last week, more than 300,000 Florida families had already received disaster food benefits, state officials said, although applications in only half…
Philippe Briand Designed an Explorer Yacht for Every Adventurer
[dropcap]A[/dropcap]s a designer, Philippe Briand has always stayed true to his singular vision. Yachts as diverse as his racing version of the Wallycento sailing superyacht or the 328-foot gigayacht concept for Oceanco carry his distinctive style and elegance. One knows a Briand-designed yacht by its long, sinuous lines and sense of proportion. Briand’s new series…
A Simple, Powerful Method to Find Opportunities For Innovation And 3 Reasons It’s Not Used Enough
[dropcap]W[/dropcap]hile everyone recognizes that innovation is important and can create powerful results, it’s fairly common that someone will ask me for a shortcut.(CREDIT: Getty Images) Sometime during an innovation training workshop or innovation project, someone will inevitably ask about “low hanging fruit”. What’s the simplest, most powerful tool we can deploy for the biggest result?…
Orlando to install rainbow crosswalk near Pulse this week
[dropcap]O[/dropcap]rlando will install a rainbow-colored crosswalk this week across Esther Street near Pulse nightclub, in memory of the 49 people killed in a mass shooting there last year. The onePULSE Foundation hosts a town hall meeting at the Orlando Repertory Theatre, on Monday, October 9, 2017. Mayor Buddy Dyer confirmed the crosswalk plans at Monday’s City…
City of Orlando Relief Efforts to Help Puerto Rico
[dropcap]P[/dropcap]uerto Rico was struck by the most destructive hurricane in a century leaving the island without power, water and telecommunications. Thousands lost their homes. Since then, the City of Orlando has been actively helping and supporting public agencies and organizations to help Puerto Rico and new families arriving to the Orlando region, some efforts include:…
Gulf Coast braces for Hurricane Nate to make landfall as Category 2 storm
[dropcap]H[/dropcap]urricane Nate is threatening to slam into the Gulf Coast as a Category 2 storm Saturday evening, prompting Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida to declare states of emergency as they order evacuations and mobilize resources in preparation. Nate was as of late morning Saturday moving at a 26 mph clip toward the U.S. coast, with…