Tag: millennials

  • Why should you invest in real estate today?

    Why should you invest in real estate today?

    In a bull market, stocks reign supreme, but the shift from highs to lows can happen in the blink of an eye. Although bonds and U.S. Treasurys can be a buffer against volatility, that safety often translates to diminished returns when interest rates rise. So where does the middle ground between risk and reward lie? The…

  • Streetwear brands are getting a High Fashion makeover

    Streetwear brands are getting a High Fashion makeover

    Luxury brands are targeting millennial consumers using digital platforms, product diversity, and creative storytelling. Millennials believe in individualism, and streetwear brands focus on their own individual style instead of “trying to fit in.”

  • Senior citizens more connected than ever

    Senior citizens more connected than ever

    When you think ‘senior,’ what is the first thing that comes to mind? Surely not high-end new technologies. But guess what? According to a survey performed by Euromonitor International, you’re wrong!