Why Fitness is Your Business Advantage: How Shape Impacts Success.

You enter the room, say your name and extend your right arm, the other guy extends his right arm, and while you’re shaking his hand he’s looking you upside down.

Exactly, you’re being judged by your appearance. Who has never been in a situation like this?

Have you ever wondered how your appearance might affect your business success?

The truth is, we’re been judged in that first contact, that first impression all the time.

This is particularly true in the business world, where encountering new faces daily is commonplace.

Imagine you have an upcoming meeting with a prospective client or an influential CEO. With all the factors at play, your appearance should not be a concern; rather, it should provide an advantage.

As the date and time approach we tend to get anxious about the subject to be discussed, the presentation, the arguments to close the deal, the reason why you and your company are the ideal solution for the client.

That’s stressful enough, the last thing we need is to be worried about your shirt not fitting right or to be pulling down your suit because it’s too tight.

And getting back to being judged, “If that’s how he takes care of himself, how is he gonna take care of my business, after all?” That’s probably what’s crossing the other person’s mind right there at the moment.

Let’s be honest, we do that too. The first judgment we make of anybody who offers us a product or service is by their appearance, not only the person, we judge their company as well.

Consider instead this scenario. The day of the big meeting arrives, and you’re fully prepared, you know exactly what you’re gonna wear and how you’re going to look.

You pick your best pants, shirt and suit from the closet, your best shoes. Leave everything ready, then shower and shave.

Looking in the mirror as you get dressed you like what you see, you enjoy that moment and anticipation of getting ready for something so important, game-changing.

How confident would you feel walking into a meeting looking your best?

You look at yourself and think I’m ready. Now you’re just checking the points in your mind, focused on what matters which is the subject of your meeting.

When you finally get there, it’s time.

You enter the room, say your name and extend your right arm, the other guy extends his right arm, and while you’re shaking his hand he’s looking you upside down. “If that’s how he takes care of himself, That’s how he’s gonna take care of my business, after all.”

https://www.facebook.com/100043995581436/posts/pfbid026z2CUoEjGSvud3hYkX7BEtmSnuvRDe2MdQJLQ1RkAVuNeAZPgoEo12cvAQHhTu7Kl/?mibextid=SDPelYThat’s what being in shape is really all about, Conquering. Using it in your favor in crucial moments, like this.

There’s a lot of moments when being in shape is a great advantage not only in business, in life, in general.

If you find yourself resonating with these scenarios, it’s time to take action. Seek assistance, especially from those who have been in your shoes and have successfully navigated their way to better shape, health and business success.





Text credits:  Rodrigo Amado

Photo credits: photomontage: Vinícius Pascoal



