Category: Health
How workplace misery can make you sick
[dropcap]H[/dropcap]ow workplace misery can make you sick – Some dread going to work, and some look forward to it, but how important is it to actually enjoy and feel satisfied with your job? Nearly two-thirds of US workers experience some degree of mismatch between their desired and actual working conditions, according to a recent survey…
Many more children will suddenly be diagnosed with high blood pressure
[dropcap]H[/dropcap]igh blood pressure is mostly a “silent” condition, with no visible symptoms. Yet it can have long-term health consequences, including cardiovascular disease. The new guidelines, aimed at prevention, were published Monday in the journal Pediatrics. They include new diagnosis tables based on normal-weight children. The academy convened a 20-person committee to update the previous guidelines,…
133% leap in children admitted to ER for marijuana, study finds
[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he number of children who were admitted to emergency rooms for unintentional marijuana intoxication increased by 133% in France over an 11-year period, according to a new study. Marijuana intoxication can occur when a child accidentally ingests a marijuana product or inhales marijuana smoke. Symptoms can vary based on the child’s age and size but…
5 dead after FDA-approved obesity treatment
[dropcap]O[/dropcap]besity treatment – The Food and Drug Administration is investigating the sudden deaths of five people who had undergone an obesity treatment that places an inflated silicone balloon in their stomach.(Lucas Jackson/Reuters) All deaths happened within a month of the procedure, the FDA said in a letter earlier this week to health-care providers. Three people died…
Planting Seeds at Organic Gardening Workshop
Organic gardening is possible in your own Lake Nona backyard, and it helps to have some guidance from a master gardener. Laureate Park residents had the opportunity to learn from master gardener, Amber Harmon, with My Nona’s Garden during an Organic Gardening 101 class at the Laureate Park Community Gardens. Harmon explained garden planning, supplies, planting, growing, harvesting and…
Orlando activists see opportunity in failed health care vote
Supporters of the Affordable Care Act in Central Florida had one message to Congress following the Senate vote that struck down a repeal health care act without replacement on Thursday night: it’s not over yet. More than 30 health care activists from organizations including Organize Florida and Planned Parenthood affiliates rallied in downtown Orlando on…
Orlando Health expanding trauma center
Orlando Health has kicked off a $10 million fundraising campaign to upgrade and more than double the size of ORMC’s level 1 trauma center in downtown Orlando. “On multiple Friday and Saturday nights, I’ve had the trauma bay full from just one carload of people,” said Dr. Joseph Ibrahim, medical director of ORMC Trauma Center.…