florida lounge

The Florida way of life… At Rio Design Barra!

With big expectations after the success of the first edition earlier this year, The Florida Lounge is back to Rio de Janeiro and based at Rio Design Barra. The event, which is made by Brazilians and for Brazilians, continues with the objective of facilitating information for people who want to invest or live in Florida.

Webinars and lectures are organized for the target audience, who should learn a lot about investment opportunities, immigration bureaucracy, and real estate. Everything you need to become a legalized and prosper immigrant.

In an interview with “O Globo” a partner of One Investment Group, Glauco Pochine, explains why he decided to promote the event:

“- As many Brazilians see Florida as a place for investment or housing, because of the climate and the culture, we have decided to bring Florida to Brazil. More than offering real estate products, we want to teach what it’s like to live in the United States.

Despite the high dollar, Pochine says there are good investment options on Donald Trump’s land:

– The square meter of Florida is still cheaper than in Rio de Janeiro. In Barra, for example, the value is approximately R$ 10 thousand, while, there, it revolves around R$ 6 thousand.”

This edition also counts with a new partner, Lennar, which is the leading builder of quality new homes in the most desirable real estate markets across the US. One Investment Group also comes with the promise that in 2018 The Florida Lounge will arrive in more Brazilian cities.


 The Florida Lounge

Shopping Rio Barra Design

From November 24th to December 30th

11 am to 10 pm

*Free entrance*






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